R.S.M. Engineering Consultants, Structural consultants,
Rajiv Sharma
B.E.Civil. Univ. Of Roorkee.(1985).
M.Tech (struct. Engg.)IIT, Kanpur.(1987)

Hemant Kumar B.E. Civil. Delhi college ofEngr.(1989).

The structural design Co. provides the following services:
Structural Design of Buildings
Structural Design of Bridges
Retrofitting of Damaged and Under Designed Structures using No
Preparation of Tender documents and specifications
Estimation of quantities and rate analysis

Currently we are using finite element software SAP2000-Non Linear, ETABS Non-Linear and SAFE developed by Computers and Structures Inc. Berkeley, U.S.A. for analysis and design of all types of structures. We also have access to another analysis and design software STADD III.However it is used only when required by clients. Besides these we also have the capability of developing small and medium size computer programs for data manipulation,programming of plotters, printers for specific requirements of a project.

WBG Electrical Engineers.
Electrical Engineers & Consultants
Keshav Chandra Sharma . B.E.(Electrical)

Ark Consultants. Plumbing & Fire Fighting Consultants.
Ashok Gangwar . B.E.(Civil)